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Please download and share these resources if you find them useful.


Katie Blake Zoom .png

How to Maximise PR to grow reputation and sales

Download the slides

Financial Planning for Women

Please find the slides and zoom recording from Biba's presentation

Sara Delaney Thrive Zoom Invitation .png

Creating Relatable Brand Image Content 

Please find the slides from Sara Delaney's presentation. 

Zoom Invitation_edited.jpg

Raising your Rates, Knowing your

Value and Charging your Worth

Please find the slides from Kelly Chandler's presentation

Thrive Club Tapping p1.png

Rapid Tapping to Manifest your Goals

Please find the recording from Poppy Delbridge's presentation. 

NFT Gallery Invitation.png

What Even Are NFTs

Please find the recording from the NFT Gallery's presentation

Thrive Meeting Presentations
JessHarvey Headshot.jpg

2023 Review and Reflect 

Please find the recording from the NFT Gallery's presentation

Andreas NiHi.JPG

Equine Therapy to Unlock your Business Potential

Please find the slides from Professor Andreas Liefhooge's presentation.

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